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Caitlin and Toby

Why did join the Owl's Nest Farm CSA? Totally inspired by Liz and the team's ambition with the farm, I joined Owl's Nest in their first year. My boyfriend Toby and I were looking for a CSA to join to incorporate more seasonal, local produce into my cooking. Joining Owl's Nest allowed us to do that while also supporting an inspired, passionate team in the process! I also loved that they were growing so many varieties of greens that I'd never tried before (and now LOVE).

What was your favorite fruit, veggie, and/or herb from CSA this year? Oy, this is like picking a favorite child... I'd have to say watermelon radishes - they're gorgeous and so delicious. And they cool your whole body down in the summer. The pea shoots are also a staple for us - I'd head down to the market extra early sometimes just to be sure we got some. And rosemary, which we find a way to put in nearly everything. The ground cherries are also something I look forward to - I can't find them anywhere else!

Tell us about any new veggies you tried in 2017. I started cooking with tomatillos more last year when they became a regular feature of the market table. One of my best friends is from San Diego. He grew up eating them all the time and taught me his family recipe for roasted tomatillo salsa. I could literally drink it - so fresh and full of flavor.

Please share your favorite recipe(s). Carrot Dhal from In My Bowl - I swap in kale for spinach here. This Lentil Salad from My New Roots is an amazing base for whatever seasonal veggies and greens you get from Owl's Nest. And this Black Rice, Kale and Eggplant Pilaf from Green Kitchen stories is another favorite! Clearly I can't get enough lentils in my life.